Alzheimer's Disease: a form of brain disease.
No one knows the exact cause, but a real breakdown of the cells of the brain does occur. There is no treatment, but good nutrition may slow the progress of this lifestyle disease, which lasts about seven years in most people who have it.
Arteriosclerosis: A generic term for several diseases in which the arterial wall becomes thicken and loses elasticity. Atherosclerosis is the most common and serious vascular disease.
Plaques (atheromas) deposited in the walls of arteries are major causes of heart disease, chest pain (angina pectoris), heart attacks, and other disorders of the circulation. In atherosclerosis yellowish plaques of cholesterol, fats, and other remains are deposited in the walls of large and medium-sized arteries. Atherosclerosis usually occurs with aging. It is linked to overweight, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Cancer: diseases characterized by uncontrolled, abnormal growth of cells.
Cancer has been the number two cause of death since 1938, But, at the turn of the 20th century, it was only #8. Cancer is definitely considered the number one Disease of Civilization.
There are more than 150 different kinds of cancer and many different causes.
No one knows the exact cause, but a real breakdown of the cells of the brain does occur. There is no treatment, but good nutrition may slow the progress of this lifestyle disease, which lasts about seven years in most people who have it.
Arteriosclerosis: A generic term for several diseases in which the arterial wall becomes thicken and loses elasticity. Atherosclerosis is the most common and serious vascular disease.
Plaques (atheromas) deposited in the walls of arteries are major causes of heart disease, chest pain (angina pectoris), heart attacks, and other disorders of the circulation. In atherosclerosis yellowish plaques of cholesterol, fats, and other remains are deposited in the walls of large and medium-sized arteries. Atherosclerosis usually occurs with aging. It is linked to overweight, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Cancer: diseases characterized by uncontrolled, abnormal growth of cells.
Cancer has been the number two cause of death since 1938, But, at the turn of the 20th century, it was only #8. Cancer is definitely considered the number one Disease of Civilization.
There are more than 150 different kinds of cancer and many different causes.
Top 5 Cancers in USA
- Prostate (28%)
- Lung (17%)
- Colorectal (12%)
- Bladder (07%)
- Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (04%)
- Breast (30%)
- Lung (13%)
- Colorectal (12%)
- Uterus (06%)
- Ovary (04%)
Chronic Liver Disease/Cirrhosis: any of a group of liver disorders.
of liver disease are jaundice, loss of appetite, liver enlargement,
fluid accumulation, and impaired consciousness.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): a disease characterized by slowly progressing, irreversible airway obstruction.
symptoms are problems in breathing while exercising, difficulty in
breathing in or out deeply, and sometimes a long-term cough. The
condition may result from chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, or
chronic bronchiolitis. Cigarette smoking and air pollution make it
Diabetes: a disease affecting sugars used by the body.
are four main types of diabetes mellitus. Type I diabetes is also
called insulin-dependent diabetes, juvenile-onset diabetes, brittle
diabetes, or ketosis-prone diabetes. Type II diabetes is also called
non-insulin-dependent diabetes, adult-onset diabetes, ketosis-resistant
diabetes, or stable diabetes. Type II often develops in over weight
adults. Type III, or gestational diabetes, occurs in some women during
pregnancy. Type IV includes other types of diabetes are linked to
disease of the pancreas, hormonal changes, side effects of drugs, or
genetic defects.
Heart Disease: any of several abnormalities that affect the heart muscle or the blood vessels of the heart.
disease has been the number one cause of mortality and morbidity in
most of the USA since 1910. But, at the turn of the 20th century, it was
only #4.
are a couple dozen forms of this lifestyle disease. Heart disease and
other forms of cardiovascular disease can lead to congestive heart
failure, a condition in which the heart cannot pump sufficient blood to
meet the demands of the body. The various forms of heart disease may
also cause disturbances in normal heartbeat, called arrhythmia.
Nephritis/CRF: any disease of the kidney marked by swelling and abnormal function.
of kidney disease are bloody urine, persistent protein in urine, pus in
urine, edema, difficult urination, and pain in the back.
Stroke: a condition due to the lack of oxygen to the brain that may lead to reversible or irreversible paralysis.
is linked to advanced age, high blood pressure, previous attacks of
poor circulation, cigarette smoking, heart disorders, embolism, family
history of strokes, use of birth-control pills, diabetes mellitus, lack
of exercise, over weight, high cholesterol, and hyperlipidemia.
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